Local Developer Workflow
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Working with Large Development Teams

Working with multiple teams in a forked Workflow can seem complicated, but if we break it down to a repeatable process then we can manage large teams across multiple timezones.

Steps to take every time you start development

In order to keep your local development in sync with the entire dev team.
Please follow the following steps before you start a new Jira ticket.

Review your JIRA ticket

Look at the JIRA ticket assigned to you and review your tasks before you start.

Fetch all of latest code changes from Github from the upstream

$ git fetch --all
$ git checkout develop
$ git pull upstream develop

confirm you do not have any local changes you don’t want to overwrite.

Rebase your current branch with develop

$ git rebase upstream/develop

Sync your origin

Sync any changes from the upstream to your origin fork
git push origin

Create a feature branch from develop

$ git checkout develop
$ git checkout -b [JIRA-Ticket-number]-short-description

for example
$ git checkout -b ab-34-basic-page-content-type

Run BLT sync (wait for site studio config to load, this can take a while)

$ blt sync

If you want to log into the site

$ cd docroot
$ drush uli

Commit any new changes and push back to origin

You will need every commit to have the JIRA ticket number and a sentence that starts with a capital letter and ends with a period or your commit will fail.
$ git add .
$ git commit -m"[JIRA-Ticket-number]: Description of commits."
$ git push origin [JIRA-Ticket-number]-short-description